Hell Yes or a Straight No Approach to Better Decision Making

Source: Entrepreneur

When we feel motivated and decide to do something worthy, at times, we become blind to analyzing what's worth doing.

It must have happened to you many times - when we feel passionate about something, we never want to miss out on anything related to it. We want to do everything. Meanwhile, the greediness to get it all makes us say 'yes' to everything even when it's slightly related to our goal, thinking that it will help us achieve it faster. However, let me burst your bubble because it actually slows your growth down.

Time is the biggest and most precious entity - not any skill, not capital but time. And when you decide to dedicate your time to something which only gives you partial to no specific benefit, it is actually slowing your speed down. It may add more to your other side of the personality, like any other skill or trait, but remember that there is a time for everything. You can't be taking up the courses that teach the 'beginner' level skill that you are master at. Similarly, you can't waste time doing something which brings you no outcome. You've to learn to be very cautious with your time.

Therefore, the "Hell Yeah or No" approach tells you to only say 'yes' to the things that thrill you instantly and clearly reject the proposals that leave you doubtful in any way. This way, you will surely, miss out on many things but it will help you to keep your schedule, energy, and mind ready for something much greater and valuable than average projects.

Considering the approach, whenever you are faced with a situation where you're required to make a decision of saying yes or no to a certain task, you should be faced with three options:

1. Hell Yes! - if that's your immediate response then congratulations, this is the task you've been waiting for for a long time and you should DEFINITELY go for it. No second thoughts! 

2. No - if no comes to your mind then it's clear that you don't want to do it. There is no point in beating the bush around just because you're afraid to miss out on something. But you can keep it on the table to revisit later if you still like.

3. Ummm - this is the situation that can trap you in a cycle of mediocracy! Don't fall for it! 
Run doe your time! You don't want to be wasting your time on something that drags you down from climbing your stairs to success.

Just go with the things (or people) that instantly drive you and spark something inside you to immediately jump on the opportunity. This way you'll never settle for less, and get what's most suitable for you. 


  1. More often when goals aren't clear and you got a get for things from your close one's, it sparks you for a while and you get ready to stand with it at any cost. But, in the beginnings or in the middle of your journey you realize that actually you arw riding a wrong journey, the journey that isn't meant for you.


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