The void


To some, it is the most important achievement
To some, it is a part of life. 
To some it is beautiful 
and to some, prison
To some it came as a gift 
to some, as a curse 
and compromise to others
How do I find it for myself?
Is it a blessing, curse, cage or key to my freedom?
I can't comprehend. 
So I fear 
I fear I'm short of time 
Short of time to build myself 
to do what I love 
as once you're gone into that void
It is not predictable what lies ahead 
So I fear I may greet my oldest friend 
and my dearest enemy, which may reside ahead
but there's no way to escape 
and I want to outrun this tik-tok
but I can't find a way. 
Has anybody ever betrayed time?
I believe not. 
So instead of fearing the non-existent for now,
I would do my best in what lies in front of me right now 
I won't let the predictions of those ugly possibilities ruin my beautiful reality. 
I would enjoy the things I have,
with the hope to meet my good self ahead. 


  1. So nice. We all have, somehow, allowing ourselves in transporting us from past to future with our present escaped. Lucky are those who enjoy the moment 'now' rather looking for a good moment im future with may be no possibilities to occur.


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