Humans were made imperfect

Have you ever wondered why we pretend to be perfect even when we aren't?

It's pretty simple, we all watch TV, and scroll the Instagram daily. So, can you think of anyone coming on screen with the nude face showing all the scars, reflecting all the imperfections and vulnerabilities? I would rather say that I haven't. And I believe you have got the same answer. And even if you have some people in mind then they are just a few of them and we are considering majority right now. Meanwhile, this is how we are taught to live.
Perfection has killed more artist than anyone else.  Perfection has deprived more souls than anything else.  Perfection has created unrealistic standards and thus, shattered millions hearts.
 We have always been compared to someone and interrogated for why not getting what they have got. And this is one of the leading reasons of depression
Reportedly, we have comparatively high numbers of cases where people became depressed and even ended their lives when they couldn't meet the societal standards

It's time we realize that this is not how we should ruin our own lives and raise our kids. We should not get in a race where no one actually even wins. Instead everyone is left insecure in the end. Life is not even any fight where you must knock others down. Instead, it's a constant process where you must keep going with its flow. But don't confuse this with the fact that comparing yourself with others for inspiration is not bad, but then falling into depression and insecurities is what creates the chaos.

Therefore, we need to understand that humans were made incomplete, with the possibility to stumble so they can learn from their mistakes. Humans were made to strive and grow. Just like seed must break in order to become strong and firm tree. Similarly, humans also require a breakdown to grow.

Now let's see, have you ever been on a train? It never stops for anyone. And you can either create your own world in that little cabin and get the best out of that specific time or you can stare at the outside fast moving world with nothing but despair in your heart. And the twist is that it won't even take you faster to your desired place. Instead it will only prolong it by making you count each second. 
However, this is exactly how life works. You can either endorse what you have right now or waste your time by rushing into things which will only make you anxious and steal you of your inner satisfaction and still, you won’t get anything before its time and as train needs to travel a certain distance before it takes you to your destination, life also needs to go through certain phases before you get where you want to be.

Do you think it was difficult for Allah to make us all alike, with the same strengths and qualities? It could have been more easy, but He made us all unique. A little weird in our own way because each for different purpose and never forget that Allah has made everything from beautiful oceans to mesmerizing mountains with great love. He will not give you anything if you don't appreciate what you have right now. Furthermore, save yourself from the despair by making your past version your competition, instead of anyone else. You only have to become better than it. Otherwise, just keep working hard and have faith in Allah and never forget that what is meant for you, will come to you!


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